Posted by : airavalky Sunday, 5 March 2017

Rouge et Noir Under the Gun 麻薬取締官 真壁亮
Rouge et Noir Under the Gun Mayaku Torishimari-kan Makabe Ryo

CV : Kawamura Masato (河村眞人) a.k.a Yamanaka Masahiro (山中真尋) as Makabe Ryo (真壁亮)

Release date : 2016.10.26

Label : Hanakagami

320kb without booklet

Thank you to SCP-san for the files ^^

Track list :
01 First to Act
02 Original Bet
03 Betting Box
04 Surveillance
05 Bad Beat
06 Raise
07 Tilt
08 Bullets

Stellaworth Tokuten
Thank you to Choco-san for the files ^^

{ 15 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. ありがちうございます。 ^_^

  3. whoa it's been a while since i've heard any action drama cds, let alone an r18 one with a fresh voice actor!
    if you close your eyes and imagine him with glasses, this could totally be a Psycho Pass MC x Ginoza fanfic lmao ♥
    thank you for the upload! 😂

    1. woah.. now that you mentioned it, it does have that psycho-pass feel to it.

  4. Thank you for sharing, SCP-san :)

  5. Thank you so much ^.^

  6. That is so sexy about his whisper!!!!!!!
    thank you let my life so perfect!!!!!!!!

  7. Thank you so much! This cd is my recent favorite!

  8. OMG Thank you so much for the tokuten!! I love this series!!


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