Posted by : airavalky Thursday, 28 December 2017

おとどけカレシ Vol.3 芦屋奈義
Otodoke Kareshi Vol.3 Ashiya Nagi

CV : Tamaru Atsushi (田丸篤志) as Ashiya Nagi (芦屋奈義)

Release date : 2017.09.27

Thank you to Haru-san for the files ^^

Track list :
1. - First day
2. - Second day
3. - Third day
4. - Fourth day
5. - Fifth day
6. - Sixth day
7. - Seventh day
8. - True lovers day
9. - Stole my heart(short ver.)

{ 10 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. ありがとうございます(〜^∇^)〜

  2. This is yumeha..
    Thank you so much for downloading otodoke kareshi drama cd vol.1-3!!! At last i can comment in here.. hihi

    1. This is yumeha1996

    2. This is yumeha1996.. (forgot to type 1996)
      I also want to say thank you so much for downloading drama cd than i really like..

  3. ありがとうございます! : >

  4. Thanks a lot for sharing this, Haru-san and Rena-san!.。*゚+.*.。(❁´◡`❁)。.。:+*
    I really like this story, it's so cute! ♥ 


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