Posted by : airavalky Friday, 10 February 2017

Rouge et Noir Check in the Dark 鑑定官 来栖玲
Rouge et Noir Check in the Dark Kantei-kan Kurusu Rei

CV : Sawa Mannaka (佐和真中) a.k.a Nakazawa Masatomo (中澤まさとも) as Kurusu Rei (来栖玲)

Release date : 2017.01.25

Label : Hanakagami

320kb without booklet
Credit for the file goes to Shizuka-san. Thank you so much ^^

Track list :
01 Marking
02 Advertise
03 Pit Boss
04 Out of Line
05 Crying Call
06 Chase
07 Cripple
08 Bet in the Dark

Animate/Koushiki Tokuten
Credit for the file goes to Shizuka-san. Thank you so much ^^

Stellaworth Tokuten
Credit for the file goes to Sage-san and Sonata-san. Thank you so much ^^

{ 17 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Thank you!! Looking forward to this!

  2. Thank you! (Curious about this XD)

  3. Thank you Rena-sama!! also Shizuka-sama, Sonata-sama and Sage-sama!! I'm dying for every Nakazawa's work ಥ_ಥ

  4. Thank you so much! This was better than I was expecting haha

  5. OMG I've been waiting for this huhuhu thanks so much rena-sama and shizuka-sama!! Dai-dai-daisuki desu!

  6. Yeeeeeeeesss volume 2! Thank you so much!

  7. thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. I love this series. I'm thinking of translating this series. Including the up coming 3rd volume ^^

  9. Thank you! This used to be advertised as featuring Kuroi Hagane-san, does anyone know what happened (as seen in the original album cover)? I guess the actor changed...


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