Posted by : airavalky Sunday, 22 January 2017

Virgin Road no Arukikata

CV : Tsuyamaro (つやまろ)

Release date : 2016.12.17

Label : Kzentertainment

320kb without booklet
Credit of the file goes to Shizuka-san and Takanashi-san. Thank you so much ^^

Track list :
01 ご挨拶
02 ブライダルフェア
03 打ち合わせ
04 ケンカ
05 新郎からの挨拶
06 初夜
07 病める時も健やかなる時も

{ 10 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Thank you Rena-san!
    From what I heard, つやまろ might be 山下誠一郎, since Yagen Toushiro's been my secretary for so long lol.

  2. I remembered reading this in a blog that the seiyuu is Yamashita Seiichiro and I'm looking forward this! ^^ Thanks a lot for sharing Shizuka-san and Takanashi-san and of course, Rena-san too! (◡‿◡✿)

  3. Thank you so much! To the other comments, つやまろ is indeed 山下誠一郎! I've become a huge fan of him recently so I appreciate this. ^^

  4. Thank you so much!! Yes it's Seichan,......... /dies

  5. Wow..... I didn't expect this. Thank you ♥


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