Posted by : airavalky Tuesday, 3 January 2017

旦那さまシリーズ Season3 Vol.8 同僚旦那さま かわいい同期が、本性を見せる夜
Danna-sama Shiriizu Season3 Vol.8 Douryou Danna-sama Kawaii Douki ga、Honshou wo Miseru Yoru

CV : Sawa Mannaka (佐和真中) a.k.a Nakazawa Masatomo (中澤まさとも) as Kiritani Minato (霧谷湊)

Released date : 2016.11.18

Label : Strawberry Cats

320kb without booklet

Track list :
1. 指輪
2. 準備
3. 鏡
4. 挙式前
5. 初夜
6. 苗字

{ 6 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Thank you, Rena!! I appreciate all the generosity from Aira-staff and the many donators in this community. ;;

  2. Thank you very much for upload this!!!

  3. Another Nakazawa as danna-sama <3 Thank you so mucchh! <333


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