Posted by : airavalky Saturday, 31 December 2016

Souai-sei no Eshisu~Omedetou、Sore kara~

CV : Sawa Mannaka (佐和真中) a.k.a Nakazawa Masatomo (中澤まさとも) as Hanayama Ikuto (花山郁人)

Release date : 2016.08.26

Label : Perpetual BlueMega
Thank you to Lucia-san for the files ^^
Stellaworth Tokuten
Thank you to Lucia-san for the files ^^

{ 9 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Stellaworth Tokuten link is no longer available :(

  2. Happy New Year to all admins!
    Thank you for the post, but both links seem to be unavailable :S
    Is it possible to reupload?

  3. los links say they are not avariable :(

  4. Waaaah!! This is such a good new year treat! Thank you admins! ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ

  5. link download updated ^^

    Happy new year!

  6. Thanks for uploading.
    Would you mind to upload it on other website as well such as zippy share or googledrive?
    cuz apparently I could download the disc from MEGA but cannot open the folder
    Thank you very much!!

  7. Selena Lie-San Happy new year!!!!
    link fine ^0^ Thank you!


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