Posted by : airavalky Saturday, 5 November 2016

もふドル Vol.5 蘇芳新
Mofudol Vol.5 Suou Arata

CV : Hosoya Yoshimasa (細谷佳正) as Suou Arata (蘇芳新)

Release date : 2016.02.24Mega

Thank you to Lucia-san for the files ^^
Track list :
1. プロローグ
2. 笑顔で横暴
3. 盗みまれたもふドル
4. 過激まスキンシップ
5. こじれる想い
6. 暴君の告白
7. エピローグ

{ 3 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Thank you so much ~ヽ(´ε`*)☆

  2. (⊙ω⊙;) Hosoyan and another character called ARATA !!! Thanks for sharing!!<3


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