Posted by : airavalky Wednesday, 9 November 2016

さよなら恋人 またきて友だち
Sayonara Koibito Mata kite Tomodachi

Cast :
Murase Ayumu (村瀬歩)
Tachibana Shinnosuke (立花慎之介)
Yashiro Taku (八代拓)
Yamaya Yoshitaka (山谷祥生)
Horie Shun (堀江瞬)
Kawanishi Kengo (河西健吾)
Itou Kento (伊東健人)
Shirai Yuusuke (白井悠介)
Tokuishi Katsuhiro (德石勝大)

Release date : 2016.10.28


Thank you to Miki-san for the files ^^

{ 19 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Thank you so much Miki-san!!333

  2. YES! Thank you so much for sharing this cd! omegaverse is now my no.1 favourite and look at those wonderful cast ~

  3. Tachibana-san, Ayumu-kun, Yasiro-kun, Shirai-san ... I love them!
    I really glad to be able to listen to this CD!

  4. Thank you for the sharing!! I was really surprise when knowing this title will releasing drama...I think this story is the most 'japanese style' omegaverse title until now

  5. oh my god!! Thank you for the sharing so much.>/////<


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