Posted by : airavalky Friday, 9 December 2016

Ai no Sabaki wo Ukero!

Release date : 2016.11.18

Cast :
Saitou Souma (斉藤壮馬)
Okits Kazuyuki (興津和幸)
Matsuoka Yoshitsugu (松岡禎丞)
Hirakawa Daisuke (平川大輔)
Nakajima Yoshiki (中島ヨシキ)
Inoue Jun (井之上潤)
Fujiyoshi Kouji (藤吉浩二)

320kb without booklet

Thank you to Arwenviolet-san for the files ^^

Free Talk

Mini Drama

{ 9 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. This story seems to be a very heavy story.
    But since I love Soma-kun, I want to listen :-))

  2. My lovely Souma~~!! Thank you so much!

  3. Oh, kitta! I'm very excited to listen this BLCD!
    Thank you so much for sharing it, guys! As always, you're really amazing! ♥

  4. thank you Arwenviolet-san for sharing <3

  5. I want to this CD from long ago.
    Thank you for sharing...!


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