Posted by : airavalky Sunday, 16 October 2016

Ukiuki Weekend 05~Osananajimi no Kare~

CV : Asagi Yuu (あさぎ夕) a.k.a Suzuki Yuuto (鈴木裕斗) as Nakadate Keiichi (仲舘圭一)

Release date : 2015.11.27

Label : Bullet

Thank you to Lucia-san for the files ^^

Track list :
01. ブラックコーヒー
02. ふわふわした気分
03. ねーちゃんの味
04. ベッドで...
05. お仕置き!?
06. 俺の朝ごはん
07. 日曜日のお風呂
08. むかしの話
09. 週明けの朝
10. フリートーク
11. サービストーク

Stellaworth Tokuten
Thank you to Lucia-san for the files ^^

{ 4 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Thank you for sharing Selena!
    But seems like Stellaworth Tokuten file is damaged. I tried several times but still... so could plz you check the file?

  2. Thanks for sharing! But the Stellaworth file is damaged zzzz can't be extract... plz re-upload again please...

  3. New link for stellaworth added. Please try again. :)


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