Posted by : airavalky Sunday, 16 October 2016

Ukiuki Weekend 03~Tomodachi Datta Kare~

CV : ? (金剛山寿一) a.k.a Kongouzan Juichi (I welcome any suggestion about who is he XD ) as Otonashi Haruhiko (音無晴彦)

Release date : 2015.09.25

Label : Bullet

Track list :
01. キミと俺と俺の部屋
02. まんぷく
03. ごろごろ添い寝
04. もこもこお風呂
05. ベッドで続きを
06. 狭いからこそ
07. あさからさかる
08. 彼の特技
09. 今週もがんばれる
10. フリートーク
11. サービストーク

{ 2 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Thank you ♥
    Kongouzan Juichi ?

  2. It seems to be as Yume-san called him. ^^"

    Also, his name only appeared on the Oshioki Salesman Vol. 3. I remember that the official website had a "????" to presents the dealer's voice actor, and it was for him. XD Nazo otoko desu ne?


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