Posted by : airavalky Friday, 14 October 2016

My Darling's Job vol.2「彼はお医者さん♥」
My Darling's Job vol.2「Kare wa Oisha-san♥」

CV : Domon Atsushi (土門熱)a.k.a Satou Takuya (佐藤拓也) as Oikawa Yuuma (及川悠真)

Release date : 2016.09.10

Label : Violento


Track list :
01 プロローグ
02 帰宅後
03 二人きりの診療所
04 エピローグ
05 その後の二人

{ 6 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Ah, Takku-chan... i've been waiting for this series....
    Thank you Rean-san for the file ^^

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this, Rena-san! ^o^

  3. ARIGATO GOZAIMASU, Rena-san!♥

  4. Doctor in Mr.Domon's voice! My heart's beating so fast!

  5. thank you so much rena-san<3


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