Posted by : airavalky Friday, 14 October 2016

幻妖綺~天狗ノ契リ~ 鞍馬天狗
Genyouki~Tengu no Chigiri~

CV : Okitsu Kazuyuki (興津和幸)

Release date : 2016.09.28

Label : TEAM Entertaiment Inc.

320kb without booklet

Thank you to Anon-san for the files ^^

As per-request from Anon-san, please DO NOT re-upload or re-share to another place. Want to share this to your friend? Just link them back to here.

Track list :
01. 序章 「緋色ノ花」
02. 第一章「花嫁」
03. 第二章「夫婦ゴッコ」
04. 第三章「月夜ノ宴」
05. 第四章「後朝」
06. 第五章「十六夜月」
07. 第六章「星空散歩」
08. 第七章「茜サス世界」
09. 終章 「天狗ノ契リ」
10. (Short ver.)/:結良まり

{ 12 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Thank you, Rena-san, Anon-san!

  2. Yey... after Satou Takuya and now Okitsu Kazuyuki... ah i really love their voices....
    Thank you Rena-san and Anon-san

  3. OH Thank you so much to answer my request!XD
    Love U, Anon-san!333

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  6. Thank you for sharing Rena-san and Anon-san. Big fan of this series :D!


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