Posted by : airavalky Monday, 2 January 2017

禁断情事 お義兄ちゃんと義妹
Kindan Jouji Onii-chan to Imouto

CV : Sawa Mannaka (佐和真中) a.k.a Nakazawa Masatomo (中澤まさとも) as Ryouta (涼太)

Release date : 2016.07.27

Label : Velvet-voice

320kb without booklet

Track list :
01 プロローグ
02 ただの、兄妹
03 思い出と衝動
04 愛してるから、奪う
05 泣きそうなほどの幸せ
06 エピローグ

Stellaworth Tokuten
Thank you to Yu_Berry-san for the files ^^

{ 6 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 中澤まさとも♡(。→ˇ艸←) Thank you so much Rena-san!! <3

  3. Rena-san, what is the password on mega link? I used password in FAG but It didn't work (T.T)

    1. My password. I rarely use another password for Airavalky. Type it if copy paste didn't work.


    2. Something wrong with Mega link, before It asked me to type password now It doesn't so I can access the file and download.
      Also thanks for your share and reply! ー( ´ ▽ ` )ノ


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