Posted by : airavalky Sunday, 12 March 2017

Reversible 03~チャラ系カレシ・平磨~
Reversible 03~Chara-Kei Kareshi・Heima~

Release date : 2015.02.27

Label : bisCROWN

CV : Okino Yasuhiro (沖野靖広) a.k.a Takahashi Hiroki (高橋広樹) as Ichiki Heima (壱木平磨)

320kb without booklet

Track list :
01 プロローグ
02 平磨に攻められる
03 平磨を攻める
04 エピローグ
05 アナザーエピローグ~平磨を攻めたあと……~

{ 12 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Thank you very much!

    But the Web page not found download after you press the

    Was unable to download the file, came out and(´;ω;`)

  2. Thank you so much!

    But I clicked on the download button, and it's not downloading? I have checked your FAQ page and I did the exact same steps but it's still not working.

  3. OMG I love Takahashi-san's voice in this! Thank you so much!

  4. thank you so much!! ^^ i really like the voice of hiroki-san

  5. thank you so much!! ^^ i really like the voice of hiroki-san

  6. Hey there, I was wondering if it was possible to upload to another server...I have trouble with filecloud ><
    Sorry to be a bother! :(
    If not, thank you anyhow, for always uploading, <3 <3

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.


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