Posted by : airavalky Sunday, 14 July 2013

アロマな彼氏 05 バニラ
Aroma na Kareshi 05 Vanilla

CV : Shimono Hiro (下野紘)

Release date : 28.06.2013

320kb without booklet


Track list :
ショップ限定特典 ボーナストラックCD :
01. ボーナストラック

本篇 :
01. 幼なじみの彼
02. 相合い傘
03. 見送り
04. 海へ
05. 学園祭
06. 初めてのクリスマス
07. 旅立ち

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If files uploaded by Rena or from Rena, see password for Rena's files.

{ 5 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Sorry to keep asking, but could you upload this in other hostlinks too? T^T 4shared files really can't work fine for me.

    thank you~

    1. I'm so sorry, but before I used 4shared, I've been tried on MF and Sharebeast. But since my internet connection really, really bad today, the best I can do is with 4shared :(

      If my internet can get well again tonight, I'll try on Sharebeast.


    2. MF added :)
      MF not working as usual. I got problem when download too.

  2. Sorry for troubling both of you, and thank you very much!! :D

  3. Oh...My Shimono...T_T
    His voice is my KONOMI!! hahahaha~^ㅁ^


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