Posted by : airavalky Saturday, 2 March 2013

It's some pic I printscreen from 7th Seiyuu Awards Ceremony. I only take pictures of these 4 guys ^^;;

And some pics after ceremony -I think- from Ikeda-san's twitter

{ 4 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. thank u selena~ ><
    omooo~ kajiny keliatan cape~ ><
    congraaats~ kamiyan~ yuutaan~ >O</

  2. Suwabe looks so fab omg. (※థэథ)

  3. i wish i could meet all these seiyuus someday. they are my bigger idols than the US idols.

  4. Ono Yuuki san! I'm so happy for him ^^ He was adorable at the ceremony and his speech was really touching.


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