Posted by : airavalky Monday, 11 February 2013

天部衆に癒されCD 第六巻 ~明王 夜叉明王編~
CD (January 30, 2013)
Number of Discs: 1
Label: aura
EAN: 4582402110069

小野友樹 | Yuki Ono

Track Listings

1. 夜叉明王、登場
2. 抱っこさせてくれ
3. 理由なんかねえ
4. 別れを知る
5. 恋のリハーサル
6. 肩こり解消のツボ
7. 夜叉明王の物語
8. おやすみ
9. 夏の詩
10. キャストコメント

{ 2 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. When you open the 天部衆シリーズ, "File Types: MP3": there is a song you do not hear the "file type of the file" instead.

    When you convert, you will drop to 320K → 129K.
    How do I do I do?

    Please be UP to "Baidu" if you like.

  2. Some of the files is broken after extracting files.
    Could you fix the problem?


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