Posted by : airavalky Tuesday, 8 January 2013

天部衆に癒されCD 第参巻 ~守護神 帝釈天編~ (CV.日野聡)
Release Date: 2012/12/19
JAN: 4582402110038

帝釈天 : 日野聡
Taishakuten: Hino satoshi

{ 7 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Thank you! Hino Satoshi is one of the bests seiyuus... >w<

    Hum, ¿3? And 1 and 2? Om! What is the theme of this CD?

    1. yes, I cannot found vol 1 and 2 >.<

      I haven't listen this. Based on the title, I think it's kind of healing CD.

    2. ah... I have Vol.1 Do you want it??

  2. does this use the dummy mic? or just ordinary voice?

  3. Hnng, I have been waiting for this, thank you!

    Although I was anticipating the other 3 volumes more actually ;w; Hope you will be able to find them :D In the meantime, thank you once again!

  4. Do U also have the second(2) cd??? Have been looking for it. If U have could U upload it Please.


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