Posted by : airavalky Monday, 28 January 2013

王立王子学園 Vol.9 かえるの王子様 
Release Date: 2013/01/15
Code: 4560317787132

かえるの王子様 (神崎薫) / 鈴村健一
Kaeru no ōji-sama [Frog Prince] (Kanzaki Kaoru)/ suzumura ken'ichi
アラジンと魔法のランプの王子様 (月城仁) / 緑川光
Prince of Aladin and the magic lamp (tsuki Jō Jin) / Midorikawa Hikaru
白鳥の湖の王子様 (白鳥奏) / 石田彰
Prince of Swan Lake (Shiratori sō) /Akira Ishida

01 モノローグ
02 出会い
03 球技大会
04 男子ばかりのお泊り会
05 放課後デート
06 この時間だけは俺にください
07 わがままを言えるのも今だけ
08 幸せのかたち
09 特別になりたい
10 ありがとう。これからもよろしく。
11 キャストコメント

{ 22 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. finally~ theres a new midorin~ xD thank u selena san^^
    yeaaah~ and finally suzuken~ xD

  2. Um, excuse me.
    Every time I click on the MF link I get taken to ;;

  3. Will U be reuplod it?? Please do it, please... U R my Godness!!

  4. MF takes me to blogger whats happening (@,@) i'll be crying if this cd not fixed help please ^^

  5. Is it only me or do only three of the files work? I can't open the rest ;A:

    1. I'm having a similar issue, maybe try and redownload the .zip? I'm going to try that next.

    2. mmm..Same here..Maybe if you put the ".mp3" after the file names it will be solved? I tried that but it seems that the files have only "0kb" so I guess we will have to wait.

    3. Adding ".mp3" to the end of the files should fix this problem. However, there are two non-MP3 files. The 297kb one is a .jpg file, but I don't know what the 0kb one is supposed to be (but it doesn't seem like it is needed for the mp3 files to play properly).

    4. I dont know about the first file, the last file is jpg. and the rest are mp3 files

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. arigatou! m(v_v)m

  8. the link says the file has been blocked. could you reupload please?

    1. after you open don't click "skip ad"
      instead right click on the "skip ad", copy the address and paste it on your browser

      it works for me :)

  9. i tried downloading it but when i tried to get the files the majority of the files were not mp3 files. Can you or anyone else fix this? or can anyone tell me if there is a way to change the files to mp3 files? Onegai-Shimasu! =D

  10. Just downloaded and founded out that most of the files are just missing a . in front of the mp3, once you add it, the files work just fine.

  11. problem solved:
    1. download the rar arquive normally
    2. extract the files
    3. delete the zero byte files ... (they are just trash)
    4. convert the 8 non-mp3 files to mp3 files (I used a program named aTube)
    (it's 8, because 3 files are ok and the cd has 11) xD
    sorry for my bad english... I somehow just wanted to help you, otomes ;)

  12. Thanks..Thank u so much.. :'D
    Suzumura-san, Midorin-san.. huwaah.. :')
    demo,, i need password to unlock,what's it?? :(


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