Posted by : airavalky Monday, 10 December 2012

QuinRose MIX.~2008.May~
QuinRose MIX.~2008.May~ 出演  ハートの国のアリス、クローバーの国のアリス 

平川大輔(エース 役)、最上嗣生(エリオット=マーチ 役)、杉山紀彰(ボリス=エレイ 役)  福山 潤(トゥイードル=ディー&ダム 役)、杉田智和(ナイトメア=ゴットシャルク 役) アラビアンズ・ロスト  緑川 光(ミハエル=ファウスト 役)、下野 紘(マイセン=ヒルデガルド 役)  勝 杏里(ライル=スルーマン 役)

Hirakawa Daisuke, Katsu Anri, Fukuyama Jun, Shimono Hiro, Sugiyama Noriaki, Midorikawa Hikaru, Sugita Tomokazu, Mogami tsuguo

(for MF user, I suggest you to save to your account then download it from yours. Just to avoid block from mediafire. So the others can download because it's parts files.)

{ 10 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. i have MF acc, but when i click the link it says "Split archive blocked"
    Does it mean it already reached the download limit ?

  2. same case with larosa, i can't download it too :(

  3. currently I converting this into small size so I can uplaod without part. please wait

    1. thank you !
      don't know how to thank u for giving us so mush
      if there's anything we can help pls tell us ^^

  4. I think it should be better if you just removed the so that anyone who wants to download the files can save them in their account without any hassle

  5. or maybe if you can upload the other parts onto dropbox as well that would help too :D Thank you!

  6. on dropbox is the rmvb file (on 1 file). on MF is the small size version.

  7. Links are dead =/
    Can you reupload them, please?!!!


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