Posted by : airavalky Friday, 27 January 2017

十三支演義~偃月三国伝~ドラマCD 未知の旅路
Release Date: 2012/11/28

劉備:石田彰 | Liu Bei: Ishida akira
張飛:岡本信彦 | Zhang Fei: Okamoto nobuhiko 
張遼:遊佐浩二 | Zhang Liao: Yusa kōji 
呂布:沢城みゆき | Lu Bu: Sawashiro Miyuki 
貂蝉:伊瀬茉莉也 | Diao Chan: Ise mariya  
関定:勝杏里 | Guang Ping: Katsu anri 
蘇双:代永翼 | Xu Huang: Yonaga tsubasa


{ 8 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Oh my saved my day *-*!!
    I searched for this CD everywhere but couldn´t find it Q_Q!! Thank you so much Selena-chan *-*
    I love your blog <3!!

  2. Ralat Selena-chan, tulisan yang bener itu Xu Huang! ^0^
    jadi ini tentang samkok kah? o.o

    1. sepertinya begitu. belum main ato dengerin cd nya.
      Ah, Xu Huang toh. Pantes, aku juga tidak pernah tahu kalau ada Su Shuang di tokohnya samkok, makanya aku kasi tanda tanya ^^;; (Aku hobi main dynasty warrior ;p)

    2. I use to love playing Dynasty Warrior on my PS2 & PS3~ Ahh...makes me want to play them again. Though, I preferred the Japanese version instead of the bad English dubbing. ^^;

    3. Ahahaha he em saya juga hoby banget sama DW justru karena game itu saya jadi suka banget Samkok, udah menjiwa banget deh XDDD

    4. I only played dynasty warrior 6 on PC. I like three kingdom's story (but never finished its book, too long...)

  3. uhoo.....thank you very much for uploading this QwQd

  4. I think these files are all password protected...may I ask what the password is?


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