Posted by : airavalky Monday, 20 August 2012

Hi, I already re-upload Gekkan Otokomae Zukan [月刊男前図鑑], but I don't have much time to change each link on the posts. So, I decided to post the MF Folder here. 

If you want to know, the cast of each cd, look on the posts :)

{ 11 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. what is the talk CD about? Is it like a dating CD etc.....

    1. Yes it's kind of like a dating CD, except there's different scenarios involving different types of men.

  2. Thanks so much! But I think you're still missing some...unless I somehow didn't see 芸能編? And 音楽家図鑑, 百合編, 幕末図鑑 壱, 幕末図鑑 弐. I think that's the list. XD

  3. Oh! And by the way, your files under 月刊男前図鑑 シリーズ特別編 月刊光源氏図鑑「六条・朝顔」編 白椿盤 is actually 「月刊男前図鑑」シリーズ特別編 月刊光源氏図鑑 「夕顔・藤壺」編 紅椿盤...just thought I should let you know~ =) And do you think you can upload the real 月刊男前図鑑 シリーズ特別編 月刊光源氏図鑑「六条・朝顔」編 白椿盤 if you have time?? Thanks!! =D

  4. Miss Selena, the link you gave us ain't complete,
    were missing 13 album, namely:
    月刊幕末図鑑 弐 白盤 + 月刊幕末図鑑 弐 蒼盤
    (gekkan bakumatsu zukan ni shiro + ban)
    月刊幕末図鑑 壱 白盤 + 月刊幕末図鑑 壱 蒼盤
    (gekkan bakumatsu zukan ichi shiro +ao ban)
    月刊光源氏図鑑 百合編 白百合盤 + 月刊光源氏図鑑 百合編 紅百合盤
    (gekkan kougen shi zukan yuri hen shirayuri + kurenai yuri ban)
    月刊音楽家図鑑 白盤 + 月刊音楽家図鑑 黒盤
    (gekkan ongakuka zukan shiro + kuro ban)
    月刊男前図鑑 芸能編 白盤 + 月刊男前図鑑 芸能編 黒盤
    (gekkan otoko mae zukan geinou hen shiro + kuro ban)
    月刊英雄図鑑 白盤 + 月刊英雄図鑑 黒盤
    (gekkan eiyuu zukan shiro + kuro ban)

    while this one, swapped i think.
    「月刊男前図鑑」シリーズ特別編 月刊光源氏図鑑
    「六条・朝顔」編 白椿盤 ~> 「夕顔・藤壺」編 紅椿盤

    We appreciate all of your hard work, so can you re-arrange these when you have the time, please? XD

  5. acc suspended,,
    reupload pleaseT^T??

  6. Do you still have the links of Gekkan Otokomae Zukan Seifuku hen/Toshiue hen? (月刊男前図鑑 征服編 & 年上編)both the Kuro & Shiro Edition (黒盤&白盤)

  7. Aww could you please reupload the series selena-chan T.T?

  8. Can you reupload this? Please? *begs*

  9. it says the folder is missing. can you reupload please?


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