Posted by : airavalky Sunday, 6 May 2012

Tochomae with You
CV: Sugita Tomokasu

CV: Ryutarou Okiayu

CV: Kaji yuuki

CV: Morita Masakazu

CV: Inuoe Kazuhiko

Miracle Train Escort Voice CD vol 10 Kokusai-Tenjijo-Seimon & Makuhari With You
CV: Takahashi naozumi& saiga mitsuki


{ 3 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Humm, in here you said that Kokusai-Tenjijo-Seimon & Makuhari With You is vol. 8

    1. sorry, I also confused.
      My fried who gave me this said it's vol 10. But...
      I look on there:
      it said Kokusai-Tenjijo-Seimon & Makuhari With You is vol 8 or maybe it's not volume order.

      I will look some info about this.

  2. Oh, eff. ^_^;;;

    If I messed up the numbers, I apologize, but other than that, do you still have ten CDs in total, now?



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