Posted by : airavalky Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Another BLCD Pairing Fukuyama Jun and Hirakawa Daisuke.
but this time Junjun is seme and Hirarin is uke
Ah, gomen! gomen! I got wrong info U_U

This is pairing
Fukuyama Jun x Hirakawa Daisuke
uke x seme

but the story very interesting ^_^
(I think Junjun plays as seme on child scene)
Release Date: 2012/04/18

Sunaga Tōru: Fukuyama Jun 
Takagaki Shingo: Hirakawa daisuke 
Asou Toshitsugu: Kuroda takaya
Ryosuke Namiki: Shinnosuke Tachibana

pass: EDO498cfhgslidihAG

{ 7 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Hirarin jadi uke dan Junjun seme... *____*
    Thank you for sharing!!! ♥

  2. junjun is the seme..! O_O *eye twitching* ... *raeps download button*

    Thank you very much!! ^^

  3. can you upload the first link again please?

  4. I can't get the first part either...
    Pretty please?

  5. I can't enter password for part 2. It said it's incorrect


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