Posted by : airavalky Thursday, 12 April 2012

浮雲亭物語 一席 ~落語は理屈じゃねぇんだ。そこに愛はあんのかい?篇~
Release Date: 2011/09/26

Unraku: Toriumi kōsuke 
Kumokura: Maeno tomoaki 
Kumoji: Suwabe jun'ichi 
Kumo no Suke: Abe Atsushi 
J Tarō: Taniyama kishō 
Ko kumo: Shimono  Hiro
 O kamisan: Arima mizuka 
Hagoromo-tei Yūji: Sakurai Tōru 
Kumo tsuki shishō: Katsura Heiji
雲楽 : 鳥海浩輔
雲蔵 : 前野智昭
くもじ : 諏訪部順一
雲の輔 : 阿部 敦
J太郎 : 谷山紀章
小雲 : 下野 紘
おかみさん : 有馬瑞香
羽衣亭ゆうじ : 櫻井トオル
雲月師匠 : 桂 平治


Track List
01 朝の浮雲亭
02 稽古部屋で
03 イギリス風のおもてなし
04 J太郎の理屈
05 師匠の思い、子知らず
06 「寿限無」
07 一番弟子の威厳
08 パン屋にて
09 心配性 ? !
10 「猫の皿」
11 歌舞伎DEデート
12 次回予告
13 フリートーク

{ 5 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Hey Selena, it seems mediafire has blocked permanently. Is there any way to bypass it?

    I keep getting "Sorry, this website / URL has been requested to be blocked from" on all the links I click, old or new.

    Thanks in advance~

  2. I just started listening to this~
    This is quite interesting, do you have vol 2 and 3?

    1. I have one more volume on this series: 浮雲亭物語 三席 ~父を訪ねて三千里。エロと情熱のあいだ~篇.
      I will post it tomorrow.

  3. Re-upload, please??


  4. Ahh it seems like this volume is broken; I'm being told by the site it no longer exists. If you still have it would it be possible to reupload? Thank you regardless!


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