Posted by : airavalky Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Welcome to the Garden! With Nem’s popular songs and famous utaites, this delivery is a full album jewel!”

Release Date: 2011.06.15


(Thanks to airirin17 for the link ^^)


{ 3 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. aww so cuteee, gonna give it a try x3
    thank youu :)!!!!

  2. Can I just say, as an avid listening to utaite in general, that this album is absolutely amazing. Every single singer has their own feel and personality. ^^
    My favourite is Sayounara by Asamaru~

  3. the songs are just to die for, wonderful arrangements and well I super duper love the song <3

    btw, Selena, try putting a 'password' in your might help you from MF's suspending your file.. i've read some posts from a certain forum that they're putting up PW..hmmmm.. am not so sure myself, but my files on MF are safe as of now


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