Posted by : airavalky Thursday, 16 February 2012

{ 9 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Hi! Thanks for uploading all of these. I tried to download Aries couple of times but the download always brokes after a a while. Could you please reupload? Then when I was opening Pisces, the .rar file was broken, can you reupload it too?

  2. Thank you so much for uploading them. I really love your blog very much!
    But I notice a problem with vol.3 Pisces. One of the track didn´t work all the way it suppose to.
    I would be grateful it you could fix that for me.

  3. Thank you so much for the links~! But, it says that there's a password. And I tried the one in the 'How to Download' but it won't work for vol 2 ?

  4. Thanks for uploading the files. Just to let you know the 3rd track for vol.3 Pisces seem to be broken according to the error message when I was extracting. Could you please reupload? Thanks alot ^^

  5. i dont know why but it seems have a problem with vol.1 and vol.2...
    cannot download it. Can you please help us?

  6. Selena-san, for Vol.3, the 3rd track is broken~

  7. I'm having trouble trying to download Starry☆Sky Seiza Kareshi [1-5] (aquarius) because the password doesn't work I put the password 'airavalky' like a million times but it really doesn't work , I've even tried putting que other passwords as well.... PLEASE HELP ME

    1. Hello. Selena-san has already replied above: The password for Vol. 2 is kurarisu46. Hope it helps you, and it is not too late.


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