Posted by : airavalky Monday, 20 February 2012

Elite organization consisting of five pairs were collected in order to save the earth from the hands of the evil spirit of "watch" the evil organization.

Hare (Sunny): Takahiro Sakurai
Kumori (Cloudy): Junichi Suwabe
Ame (Rain): Kosuke Toriumi
Yuki (Snow): Daisuke Hirakawa
Rai (Lighting):Takuma Terashima

Other Cast:
Taifuu: Ōkawa tōru
Hyō: Toyonaga Toshiyuki
Arare: Ichiki Mitsuhiro
 Nōmu: Morikawa toshiyuki
Harō: Namikawa daisuke

Otenki Sentai How Weather 

Otenki Sentai How Weather 2

{ 9 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Oh god, thank you so much! ・ε・!!

  2. Thank you so much for uploading them... But the link to the second one is gone! Can you please fix it...
    Thank you so much!

  3. files are gone when I tried to download ㅠㅠ;;

    1. PS
      Hare is not "hale", it's "Sunny" :D Rai is Lightning. :D

  4. Thank you so much for sharing so many great CDs! I've only just found your blog and am still looking through all of the treasures uploaded here.

    As a sentai fan I think I would enjoy this one immensely, it looks very funny.
    Would it be possible for you to upload the first CD again too?

    Again, thank you very much :D

  5. Ah.. The first volume broken link.. Can you upload it again please?
    I would like to listen the first one.. XD
    Thank you..


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